by Bester, Alfred; Geis, Richard E
1969. Very Good. Signed. Typed letter on "Holiday, Alfred Bester, sernior editor" letterhead dated May 21st, 1969 and signed in marker by Bester. Addressed to Richard E. Geis, editor of "Science Fiction Review." The first paragraph thanks Geis for sending him the magazine, and is complimentary on specific details. The second paragraph, however, is a little more interesting: "However, I'm saddened by one aspect; the vein of controversy in your magazine...I do enjoy conflicts of opinion in our profession, but so many of your contributors seem to stoop to personal abuse which weakens their arguments, and, to be brutally frank, makes for boring reading." Margin line along entire content, and red parenthesis before the final two words, probably by Geis. Else fine. Alfred Bester won the first Hugo award for "The Demolished Man". He was financially successful as a writer and eventually turned from science fiction to writing travel articles, interviews with Hollywood types, etc. So, it is interesting to find he was still taking the time to read and respond to this science fiction magazine during the decade and a half when he did not really produce any sci-fi himself. In the 1970s, he began writing science fiction again. (Inventory #: 201685)