1963 · New Delhi
by Vira, Raghu, Prof. Dr., & Lokesh Chandra
New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1963. Volume 31 & 37 (complete, as issued), 4to, pp. viii, 202; 10 plates; [6], 170, 38, [2], 31, [1]; original green cloth stamped in gilt on upper covers and spines; near fine throughout. Studies on Mongolian history and literature. The first volume contains The Mongol Chronicle Alton Tobci, by Raghu Vira; Outline of the Thob yig gsal bahi me lon, by Alex Wayman; Analysis of the Tantric Section of the Kanjur Correlated to Tajur Exegesis, by Alex Wayman; Verses on the Accumulation of Precious Qualities (Ratnagunasancayagatha), by Edward Conze; The Importance of Hittite Art in Indian Civilisation, by P.C. Das Gupta; Words for Nose, Smell, etc., by Johannes Rahder; Kara-tepe: Remains of a Buddhist Monastery of the Kushan Period in old Termez, by E.G. Ptchelina and B.J. Stavisky. The second volume contains About a term in Old Anatolian and Rumerlian Turkis, by G. Hazai; Medizin de Inder in kritische Ubersicht, by R.F.G. Muller; Kamarupa, by Wilfried Nolle; Archaic Tibeto-Indian relations (an essay on Tibetan prehistory), by Blanche Christine Olschak; A Kalidasa text in New Mongolian, by Pavel Poucha; The biography of Mitra-Yogin, by Lokesh Chandra; Catalogue of the Bon-po Kanjur and Tanjur, by Lokesh Chandra and Lopon Tenzin Namdak.
(Inventory #: 69116)