by Coke, Sir Edward; Hawkins, William, Editor
1736. A Popular Abridgment of Coke Coke, Sir Edward [1552-1634]. Hawkins, William [1673-1746], Editor. An Abridgment of the First Part of My Ld. Coke's Institutes; With Some Additions Explaining Many of the Difficult Cases, And Shewing in What Points the Law has Been Altered by Late Resolutions and Acts of Parliament. To Which is Now Added a Large Index in the Nature of an Analysis of the Most General Heads. [London]: E. and R. Nutt for R. Gosling, 1736. vi, 501, [97] pp. Text followed by 2 pp. publisher advertisement. 12mo. (6-1/4" x 3-3/4"). Contemporary calf, rebacked, blind rules to boards, blind fillets along joints, raised bands, lettering piece, (truncated)