by [Montana]
Two volumes containing nearly 1,000 pages of copied correspondence concerning cattle brands and the financial operations of the Montana Territory between 1881 and 1884. The region was organized into a territory from 1864 until 1889 when it was admitted as the 41st State in the Union.
The books are Standard Letter Copying Books into which prepared letters were inserted and moistened to transfer the ink to the pages. These volumes contain approximately 500 pages each, signed by D. (Daniel) H. Weston, the Montana Territorial Treasurer from 1875 to 1887. Weston (1833–1908) was born in Massachusetts and settled in Bannack in 1863 where he was a merchant.
According to the official description of his position, as treasurer Weston was responsible for receiving all money belonging to the territory and disbursing the same upon receipt of the Montana Territorial Auditor's warrant; keeping an account of all monies received and disbursed; submitting a report quarterly to the auditor; and reporting annually to the legislature on the condition of the treasury and its operation in the preceding year.
There are numerous letters acknowledging receipt of quarterly taxes from various counties. Nearly half of the letters in the copy book relate to cattle brands. The treasurer was responsible for receiving payment and recording ownership of cattle brands. On December 17, 1883, he returned $1 and wrote: “I regret to state that I cannot record for you the brand “TO” on left ribs for cattle and left shoulder for horses as a like brand is recorded in same position.”
Other duties included managing bonds and certifying elections. In early December 1882, he wrote a series of letters, including one to early territorial bankers Kountze Bros., to inform interested parties that Montana Bonds 1-25 would be redeemed on January 1, 1883. On December 13, 1882, he wrote a letter concerning an error in the tabulated vote returns; however, the election was not impacted.
The text is legible but faint in some cases, otherwise overall very good. These accounts provide a deeper understanding of the finances of the territory and the importance the of the cattle industry in the region. (Inventory #: 77936)
The books are Standard Letter Copying Books into which prepared letters were inserted and moistened to transfer the ink to the pages. These volumes contain approximately 500 pages each, signed by D. (Daniel) H. Weston, the Montana Territorial Treasurer from 1875 to 1887. Weston (1833–1908) was born in Massachusetts and settled in Bannack in 1863 where he was a merchant.
According to the official description of his position, as treasurer Weston was responsible for receiving all money belonging to the territory and disbursing the same upon receipt of the Montana Territorial Auditor's warrant; keeping an account of all monies received and disbursed; submitting a report quarterly to the auditor; and reporting annually to the legislature on the condition of the treasury and its operation in the preceding year.
There are numerous letters acknowledging receipt of quarterly taxes from various counties. Nearly half of the letters in the copy book relate to cattle brands. The treasurer was responsible for receiving payment and recording ownership of cattle brands. On December 17, 1883, he returned $1 and wrote: “I regret to state that I cannot record for you the brand “TO” on left ribs for cattle and left shoulder for horses as a like brand is recorded in same position.”
Other duties included managing bonds and certifying elections. In early December 1882, he wrote a series of letters, including one to early territorial bankers Kountze Bros., to inform interested parties that Montana Bonds 1-25 would be redeemed on January 1, 1883. On December 13, 1882, he wrote a letter concerning an error in the tabulated vote returns; however, the election was not impacted.
The text is legible but faint in some cases, otherwise overall very good. These accounts provide a deeper understanding of the finances of the territory and the importance the of the cattle industry in the region. (Inventory #: 77936)