Original brown cardboard portfolio.
1937 · New York:
by [ Warde, Beatice ]
New York: Amhert Club, 1937 The Typophiles, who designed and produced this item, were a society of book designers and authors lead by Paul A. Bennet. They created this item for distribution at a dinner party to celebrate Paul Beaujon, which was the alias of Beatrice Warde. Original brown cardboard portfolio. . Portfolio with 6 items by The Typophiles. 6 in. x 9 in. Contents include a greeting with credits for each print by Paul A. Bennett, [designed by Melbert B. Cary, J. and George W. Van Vechten, Jr., and printed by the Press of the Whooly Whale]. An introduction to the pamphlet: "A souvenir of a dinner party or Paul Beaujon given by the typophiles at The Amherst Club N.Y. on March eight 1937," [designed by Bruce Rogers, set by Composing Room, Inc., and printed by Frank L. Henahan at Aldus Associates, Inc]. Beatrice acrostic poem by Evelyn Harter, printed by Helen Gentry [and Edna Beilenson at Walpole Printing Office]. Portrait titled "Alias Paul Beaujon" by Eric Gill, [mounted in portfolio by Lewis F. White]. "The Battle of the Century: Beaujon Verses Typophiles and Typofilliæ" [printed by A. Colish]. Light wear to spine. Very good copy of an uncommon item. Ward Ritchie's copy—includes "From the Books of Ward Ritchie" bookplate. Ritchie and his circle were known to have great admiation for Beatrice Warde. Light wear to spine. Very good copy of an uncommon item.
(Inventory #: 17832)