1928 · Girard, Kansas
by Thurman, Wallace
Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Publications, 1928. Paperback. Very Good. 64p. Softcover in original wrapper. Title and other cover lettering in black. 13 cm. Cover slightly browned around edges. Little Blue Book No. 494. We have no sure way to identify first editions of these cheaply produced little booklets. Haldeman-Julius was still around and still selling some of their Little Blue Books by mail order in the 1970s. We remember ordering multiple copies of some of the Little Blue Books by Du Bois, Thurman and other African Americans for under a dollar a booklet . We marked them up to $3.50. When we had sold all of our copies (probably 10 or less) of this Thurman booklet (without a date on the copyright page) and tried to reorder, it was no longer available. (Inventory #: 95253)