Envelope or Cover
1838 · Greenfield, Massachusetts
by Brigadier General Gardine Dickinson
Greenfield, Massachusetts, 1838. Envelope or Cover. Very good. This three-page stampless folded letter measures approximately 15½” x 9½” unfolded. It was sent by Major Elihu Clark on the order of Brigadier General Gardine Dickinson in Greenfield to Captain Stephen Baker in Chesterfield. The letter is datelined “Greenfield, Sept. 4th 1838” and the order is datelined “Head Quarters 2nd Brig. 4th Div. / Conway Aug. 19 1838”. The cover bears a circular Greenfield postmark in red, a 10-cent manuscript rate mark, and the annotation, “Militia”. In nice shape.
The order reads in part,
“Agreeable to a Div. Order of July 30, the Cavalry, Artillery, Light Infantry and Riflemen belonging to the 2nd Brig. 4th Div. will be Reviewed and Inspected on the nineteenth day of September next near David Stockbridge’s tavern in Whately. The troop will be formed in Alignment at half past nine o’clock A.M. and be in readiness for review at ten precisely.
“The Brigade Band commanded by Master Erastus S. Clapp is likewise ordered to appear . . . with their Instruments and in uniform. . ..
“The following Officers are detailed to command the Light Infantry Companies – Colonel Gervis Barstow of the 2nd Regt. / Lieut. Co. O.W. Fiske 1st do. / Maj. John Christie 4th do. / With the Staff officers of the 1st do. . ..
“The Cavalry are again referred to the 40 Sec. Militia Law and the Infantry to the 36. In accordance with the 83 Section M. L., I hereby appoint the place of Company Inspection for making out the Company return of the nineteenth the one for Inspecting the Ball Cartridges, and the Commandants of Companies will perform that duty. The Balls may be received in their loose state and then deposited at the quarters of the Company, and no Soldier will be returned as equipped with out them. . .. The Brig. Gen. hopes that the ardor and promptness which has heretofore characterized the Independent Troops . . . will again be manifested. . .. Show yourselves worthy the confidence of the citizens of a free republic. Altho’ by them as yet your services are undervalued, still if receant to their interests, you are likewise to your own. Let then the conciensuss of having acted well your parts by rendering obedience to the laws, be your reward until an enlightened public that the Soldier . . . is ‘worthy his hire.”
“Major Elihu Clark is charged with the execution of this Order by transmitting attested copies of it. . ..” . A fine example of an early republic militia muster order. While militia orders occasionally appear at auction, we have encountered none approaching the detail included in this one. Although such orders are frequently held by institutions, far fewer are held by collectors. At the time of this listing, none are for sale in the trade, and the Rare Book Hub reports only three have appeared at auction over the last 140 years. . (Inventory #: 010385)
The order reads in part,
“Agreeable to a Div. Order of July 30, the Cavalry, Artillery, Light Infantry and Riflemen belonging to the 2nd Brig. 4th Div. will be Reviewed and Inspected on the nineteenth day of September next near David Stockbridge’s tavern in Whately. The troop will be formed in Alignment at half past nine o’clock A.M. and be in readiness for review at ten precisely.
“The Brigade Band commanded by Master Erastus S. Clapp is likewise ordered to appear . . . with their Instruments and in uniform. . ..
“The following Officers are detailed to command the Light Infantry Companies – Colonel Gervis Barstow of the 2nd Regt. / Lieut. Co. O.W. Fiske 1st do. / Maj. John Christie 4th do. / With the Staff officers of the 1st do. . ..
“The Cavalry are again referred to the 40 Sec. Militia Law and the Infantry to the 36. In accordance with the 83 Section M. L., I hereby appoint the place of Company Inspection for making out the Company return of the nineteenth the one for Inspecting the Ball Cartridges, and the Commandants of Companies will perform that duty. The Balls may be received in their loose state and then deposited at the quarters of the Company, and no Soldier will be returned as equipped with out them. . .. The Brig. Gen. hopes that the ardor and promptness which has heretofore characterized the Independent Troops . . . will again be manifested. . .. Show yourselves worthy the confidence of the citizens of a free republic. Altho’ by them as yet your services are undervalued, still if receant to their interests, you are likewise to your own. Let then the conciensuss of having acted well your parts by rendering obedience to the laws, be your reward until an enlightened public that the Soldier . . . is ‘worthy his hire.”
“Major Elihu Clark is charged with the execution of this Order by transmitting attested copies of it. . ..” . A fine example of an early republic militia muster order. While militia orders occasionally appear at auction, we have encountered none approaching the detail included in this one. Although such orders are frequently held by institutions, far fewer are held by collectors. At the time of this listing, none are for sale in the trade, and the Rare Book Hub reports only three have appeared at auction over the last 140 years. . (Inventory #: 010385)