1930 · [New York?]
by Bontemps, Arna, 1902-1973
[New York?]: National Tuberculosis Association, 1930. Very Good. Single yellow sheet folded to create an unnumbered four-page brochure. 23 cm. Modest uneven browning on fourth page. Bontemps gives clear, easy to understand information and advice about tuberculosis. Our first copy of this public service item which was clearly aimed at African Americans. Here is Bontemps telling what to do if you think you have T.B.: "The first thing is to get a good doctor. Don't fool with any root doctor. Don't listen to anybody who wants to tell you a good home remedy. Don't depend on any store medicine. No ready-made store medicine that you can buy anywhere will cure tuberculosis and that's a fact. Do exactly what the doctor says and not what your neighbors and kinfolks say. (Inventory #: 93053)