1755 · Erlangen
by Pococke, Richard, 1704-1765 [Translated from the English by Christian Ernst von Windham]
Erlangen, 1755. Hardcover. Poor. This volume only (of 3). 63 (of 67) plates and maps numbered XXXVII-CIII. Old full leather. 25 cm. General wear. Cover almost entirely detached at front hinge. Lacks 4 plates or maps (numbers XLIII, LIX, LXII and LXIII). Old ownership stamp (Marie Steiger Zamoyska) and a smaller hard to deciper circular stamp. German text. Pococke did put a nose on his illustration of the Sphinx in the Egyptian volume and had some other inaccuracies. Despite such errors, this is generally regarded as one of the best early accounts of travel in the Middle East. This is not the finest of copies, but it is an inexpensive and serviceable copy of the 1755 German edition of the Pococke's volume on travel in Ottoman-controlled 18th century Greece (including Thrace), and elsewhere in Europe.
(Inventory #: 95187)