first edition
New York; (1970)
by Rubin, Jerry
New York; (1970): Simon & Schuster. First Edition. Octavo. . First printing. 256 pages, paperback. With an introduction by Eldrige Cleaver. Includes his essay: "Keep pot illegal" where he argues that if it is kept illegal the underprivileged people will fight the system; however, if it is made legal, society would just fall apart without the needed revolution. The work is humorous and a good presentation of the anarchism of the extreme left of the era. It glorifies Yippies, Hippies, and has a section on the 1968 Chicago Democratic invasion by his compatriots at Chicago, for which he consistently spells as 'Czechago'. Despite his transformation from radical activist to stockbroker and investor, Rubin remained committed to social change...but working from the inside rather than outside looking in. In 1994, while crossing Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, he was hit by a car and died in the hospital two weeks later. His former colleague, co-defendant and friend Abbie Hoffman had committed suicide five years before. The publisher issued this work simultaneously in both hardcover and paperback. A very good copyright crease down center of spine.
(Inventory #: 032052)