first edition leather_bound
1727 · Roma
by Bianchini, Francesco
Roma: Giovanni Maria Salvioni, 1727. First edition. leather_bound. 19th century three quarter calf and marbled boards. Very good. (8) 87 pages. 35 x 24 cm. Seven copper engraved plates, six are fold-outs, title page in red and black with engraved vignette. A study of funerary inscriptions of slaves, freedmen, and other officials in the household of the Roman Emperor Augustus excavated on the Appian Way, with plates engraved by Buonamici after Rossi. The author, a philosopher and scientist worked for the curia of three popes, including being camiere d'honore of Clement XI, librarian to Cardinal Ottoboni (later Pope Alexander VIII). Extensive index. BRUNET, Vol.I, p.847. CICOGNARA 3617. OLSCHKI 16462. Armorial bookplate, some intermittent internal toning, binding tight and firm.
(Inventory #: 18450)