first edition
by Sheppard, W.; Paul Mitchell (New Introduction)
2009. ISBN-13: 9781584778974; ISBN-10: 1584778970. With a New Introduction by Paul Mitchell Sheppard, W[illiam]. Action Upon the Case for Slander. Or a Methodical Collection Under Certain Heads, of Thousands of Cases Dispersed in the Many Great Volumns [sic] of Law, of What Words Are Actionable, and What Not. And of a Conspiracy, and a Libel. Being a Treatise of Very Great Use and Consequence to All Men, Especially in These Times, Wherein Actions for Slander are More Common Then in Times Past. With an Exact Table Annexed, For the Ready Finding Out any Thing Therein. Originally published: London: Printed for Ch. Adams, F. Starkey, & T. Basset, 1662. xv, [viii], [198] pp. Reprinted 2009 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. With a new introduction by Paul Mitchell, Professor of Laws, Faculty of Laws, University College of London. ISBN-13: 9781584778974. ISBN-10: 1584778970. Attractive Smyth sewn burgandy cloth bound hardcover with gilt stamped spine and front cover. New. $95. * Reprint of the first edition. Sheppard's Action Upon the Case for Slander and William March's Actions for Slaunder (1647) were the first two books to address the topic. As indicated by its preface, Sheppard's is especially interesting. " this Age, the iniquity of the Tongue, that little Member, set on fire by Hell, is not the least; And among the evils of the Tongue, is there any more pernicious and deadly, and yet more common and epidemical then Backbiting and Slander? (...) It is true, that in former times, wee finde Actions of the Case for Slanderous words very rarely brought; which speaks this much, that such words were then very rarely spoken. But in these daies they are become almost as natural to men, as their language and discourse; and therefore the disease, so deeply rooted, and over-spreading, calls for the application of the Remedy, which our Law doth abundantly furnish us withall. And hence it is, I have been encouraged to ingage in this work; which is nothing else but a naked and Methodical Collection of the remedies prescribed by the Law against this Malady. (Inventory #: 53176)