first edition leather_bound
1520 · Heganau
by Fulgentius of Ruspe [Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius]
Heganau: Thomas Anshelm for Johann Koberger, 1520. First edition. leather_bound. Later full vellum. Very good. 102 leaves (35 leaves) (1 leaf). Folio, 29.5 x 22 cm. General and diviinional titles within woodcut borders. The author, born in modern day Tunisia in 462. He became a monk writing works to help instruct the Chrisitans of Africa. As bishop of Ruspe in Tunisia he was later banished to Sardinia in 520 after complaints from the local Arian clergy. The editor, a German humanist and a leading Roman Catholic was an opponent of Martin Luther. Cochlaeus’ early sympathy with Luther changed ca. 1520 into unremitting criticism. As adviser to papal nuncios (truncated)