1845 · London
London: Fortey, 1845. Broadside: 10 x 7 in., Consist of a woodcut under the title with the text in 2 columns. Seems to be unlocated in British Library Catalog and, OCLC, etc. Some ragged around the edges, but not affecting any of the text. The page is toned. The :Old Gentleman" pledges his heart and estates to neighbor, "Mary": "For believe me, my dear Mary, that I never can eat, drink, or sleep, but I am always thinking of you .... signed O. C. Mary replies: ... "as to your fortune, I think nothing of it in the least, I would sooner go begging with the man I love, than ride in a coach and six with the man I do not love; but excuse me, the next love epistle you send to a yound lady, put your name in full ...." Harsh! (Inventory #: 59876)