21st Congress, 1st Session [Doc. No. 49.] Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury
first edition
1830 · Washington, DC
by U.S. Department of the Treasury
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1830. First, Unopened. Quarto; G+/no-DJ unopened sheets,simple binding; No cover; Outside pages and edges darkened with age, each set of pages is uncut along top edge, page sets closer to the front and back of the binding are darker in tone and more prone to foxing and suspected speckling, page sets in the middle are much lighter in tone and have been exposed to less environmental damage, last set of pages is severely creased at the tail corner, light wave to all pages, but no obvious signs of water damage in evidence so wave most likely due to high humidity, fore and tail edges of all sets creased, lightly torn, and/or wrinkled, top and binding edge of all sets speckled, with darker vertical stains; pp 304 (if properly cut and bound).
eb/nd. 1261100. Rockville Non-Retail Listings. (Inventory #: 1261100)
eb/nd. 1261100. Rockville Non-Retail Listings. (Inventory #: 1261100)