1887 · St. Louis, MO
St. Louis, MO: Ripley & Kimball, Agents, 1887. General wear, crease marks.. A circular for the Montgomery Patent Gauge Cock, which is a mechanism on a boiler that helps to determine and relieve the steam/water pressure in a boiler. This flyer has a fine color illustration of the actual gauge cock on the top of the page, along with a detailed description of the part itself. Also included at the base of the flyer is a list that details seven points as to why the Montgomery Patent Gauge Cock is better than any on the market, such as "its simplicity, great strength and handsome finish," and "the packing cannot be blown out". The flyer is aimed at "engineers, boiler makers and users of gauge cocks", and was produced St. Louis agents Ripley and Kimball. The flyer is dated based on newspaper advertisements by Ripley & Kimball that show that they were in business together from October 1881 to February 1887, when the business changed partners and became Ripley & Brouson. Single sided. Measures 10 1/2" x 8
(Inventory #: 29016298)