by LANG, Will
1960. unbound. very good. Fine content typed carbon letter with original signature: "Will", 4to. 1 page, c/o Time Inc, Rockefeller Center, New York City, September 20th 1960, just days after Life Magazine released the second installment of 'The Dangerous Summer', to Ernest Hemingway, providing him with the latest inside gossip concerning their project, in part: "...I have finally had the opportunity to read published installments of The Dangerous Summer. Very handsome. Very good. As much of it I had read before, and almost all of it we had talked over before. Yet I was delighted to be reassured that, for this reader, it had pace, it had interest, suspense, and a conclusion. I shouldn't be surprised, I know, yet that one familiar with the facts should still be surprised by them represents a considerable accomplishment for the authors. To paraphrase Hemingstein, the newspaper business is a tough town to play. A Time colleague of mine here, who knows and likes bullfights, pointed out that what he particularly enjoyed was the side play having to do with the ring, as your account of partnership with Ordonez in mining, hotel, and other properties, etc. I can thus appreciate the wisdom of keeping in those touches, as you explained while going over the suggested cuts to Suecia. The one surprising new item was your wired transcript in the third installment. I was dismayed to read about the injury to Antonio's right arm, and his tossing at Bilbao. That he should continue to fight despite these accidents is amazing - save you and me. I trust that he is okay now. Rupert Belville called me today, and I am having lunch with him tomorrow. He reports going recently to Arles to see Antonio fight, and being told by him that you were still in Spain. Any possibility of you leaving by way of Paris? Louise and I would be delighted to see you again. Best to Anne and Bill and, again, congratulations on the wonderful 'Summer', even though it did louse up your winter and spring. It was well worth it, says one who was unsalted by the sweat that went into it..." *At the time Lang wrote this letter to Hemingway, the latter was already seriously ill and believed himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Feeling lonely, he took to bed for days, retreating into silence, despite having the first installments of 'The Dangerous Summer' published in Life to good reviews. In October, he left Spain for New York, where he refused to leave Mary's apartment, presuming that he was being watched. By November he was being treated at the Mayo Clinic, where he would eventually be subjected to electroconvulsive therapy as many as 15 times in December, and was eventually 'released in ruins' in January 1961. Six months later he would end his life by committing suicide. Usual folds, otherwise in fine condition. American journalist and a bureau head for Life Magazine, best remembered for the assistance he gave to a very troubled Ernest Hemingway in the preparation and publication of 'The Dangerous Summer'. (Inventory #: 295717)