2001 · Cambridge
by Hutson, Anthony M., Simon P. Michleburgh and Paul A Racey
Cambridge: IUCN, 2001. Paperback. Very good. Quarto (28 cm), pp. 258. Black wraps with photo of brown long-eared bat on front. Global Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Illustrated with numerous black and white photos, maps and charts. Wraps have rubbing and edge wear, former owner's name on title page. "Bats make up a quarter of all mammals, and almost half of the species can be considered threatened or near threatened at a global level. This publication offers the results of the first comprehensive review to identify the conservation priorities for the 834 species of Microchiroptera. Rather than give an account of each of these species, this volume aims to be used as a basis for the development of more local or regional action plans, or actions for particular groups of bat species, by taxon or by habitat." (Abstract) (Inventory #: 22225)