Mystery Pier Books on Hollywood’s famed Sunset Boulevard has no shortage of celebrity clients, and their instagram account captures some of the famous faces that visit their shop in search of first editions, from Margot Robbie to Johnny Depp, and from Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers (a faithful client and good friend for 25 years) to the great director Guillermo del Toro. But a recent post bears witness to perhaps their highest-profile client yet: His Holiness, Pope Francis.
While His Holiness did not visit the store in person, a personal friend of the Pope’s is a long-time customer of Mystery Pier, and they came to owners Harvey and Louis Jason seeking a very specific book as a gift for the Pope. The Jasons sourced the book in question, a 1845 first-edition of St. Ignatius Loyola’s “Spiritual Exercises” in Spanish, from another ABAA member, Owen Kubik, owner of Kubik’s Fine Books. And His Holiness was very pleased when presented with the gift. In fact, Harvey and Louis Jason have received two blessed rosaries from Pope Francis in thanks for their services.