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An ABAA Member reports the following item as lost in transit (FedEx) from Chevy Chase, MD to Chicago. The buyer received an empty box upon delivery.  

Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe (1612-1672)
Breve Relatione d’Alcune Missioni de’ PP. della Compagnia di Giesù nella Nuova Francia.

Macerata: Heirs of Agostino Grisei, 1653.

Quarto: 21.5 x 15.5 cm. [4], 8 pp., 9-10 ll., 11-127, [1] pp. Collation: π2 A4 B4 (±B1.2) C-Q4


Bound in 17th c. limp sheepskin parchment. With a large woodcut Jesuit device on the title page, woodcut initial, and a factotum built up from fleurons. There is a neatly written contemporary inscription of a Roman Jesuit library on the title page; some leaves foxed or lightly browned; there is a minor ink stain on two leaves. In all, a nice, genuine copy with generous margins.

A full description of the item can be found here

If you know the whereabouts of the item or if it is offered for sale, please contact ABAA HQ ( or Paul M. Dowling, Liber Antiquus (
