This week’s news that President Obama will end the 54-year-old American trade embargo against Cuba and restore diplomatic relations marks a major change in Cuban-American relations.
ABAA members have many fascinating items that chart the ebb and flow of American involvement in Cuba over the twentieth century, and a search for items relating to Cuba on our website can be a fascinating exercise.

Members have documents signed by Fulgencio Batista, Fidel Castro, and Che Guevera, along with other participants on both sides of Cuban history.
Letter signed by all Moncada prisoners, including Fidel Castro (1953)

Archive of Documents relating to the Bay of Pigs invasion...
Documents relating to Hemingway's time living in Cuba are enlightening, both for students of the great author’s career and those interested in Cuban politics.
Ernest Hemingway draft and corrected letters to Fulgencio Batista (part of a larger archive of Cuban interest)

Members also have various editions of the classic Blue Guide to Cuba, a popular guide book to the pre-revolutionary island.
Perhaps we’ll see a new generation of those classic Cuban guide books once the travel restrictions are lifted.