A reminder to register for the upcoming Booksellers' Seminar in Seattle, which will take place Thursday, June 28 from 9am to 4pm at the Seattle Public Library. The event is sponsored by the Pacific No... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from June 2012
While sorting through the returns pile last week, librarians at the Meath County library in Ireland came across a rare book that had been borrowed eighty years ago and never returned. The book was a p... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
A message from ILAB President Arnoud Gerits regarding the massive thefts at the Girolamini Library in Naples. Shortly after the reopening of the Girolamini Library in Naples in April of 2012 the D... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Over the weekend the original cover artwork for Tintin in America (1932) sold at the Paris Artcurial auction for $1.6 million (1.3 million Euros), setting the new record for comic book art. The previo... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
The following item has been reported stolen: Title : Methode Nouvelle de dresser des Recueuils communiquée par l’Auteur. Authors : , J. Le Clerc and J. C. de la Croze, (eds.) Date of publication : ... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from May 2012
William Haley, the son of Malcolm X's biographer Alex Haley, is asking Syracuse University to return a letter to his family and plans to make a legal claim if the request is denied. Alex Haley co-auth... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Ok, I'm putting it out there. I love literature, art, and music, and I am lucky enough to be a part of the fascinating world of rare books, but my guilty pleasure is what many colleagues would categor... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Last April, ground was broken in Mount Vernon and construction of the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington commenced. The library will be a repository for Mount Vernon's v... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
This item was still reported missing as of June 11, 2019. The following item has been reported stolen: Title : Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Authors : Carroll, Lewis Date of publication : circa 194... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
This past February, librarians at the Russian State Polytechnical Museum Library in Moscow were preparing their collection for relocation to a temporary depository when they made a surprising discover... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]