There's a great article in this morning's NY Times about Rare Book School, check it out! UPDATE: A companion piece in the NY Times Arts Blog about the Hinman Collator is also worth a read. Rare Book ... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from July 2012
ABAA members James Bryant of Carpe Diem Fine Books in Monterey, CA and Edward Nudelman of Nudelman Rare Books in Seattle, WA recently received some attention in the press. Carpe Diem was written about... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
First English edition of The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, 1640 (image via Keys) The first English edition of Niccolo Machiavelli's seminal work The Prince, dated 1640, was recently discovered durin... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Stephen Colbert's manuscript for his recently published children's book I Am a Pole (And So Can You!) will be on display at the Rosenbach Museum and Library and will reside next to James Joyce's manu... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
The New Orleans Public Library and the Southern Food and Beverage Museum (SoFAB) have partnered to open the largest culinary library in the South. The two organizations have been in talks about the p... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
A new anthology of Latin American fiction has been printed in a very unique way: publishers used a special ink so that the entire text will fade in two months time. The book, appropriately titled El ... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Reading Rainbow, one of my favorite shows as a child, is returning to teach a new generation about the magical journeys books can take you on, but will do so in a whole new medium. Originally a televi... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
UFA colour lithograph poster for 'Metropolis', Designer - Heinz Schulz-Neudamm, Berlin, 1927. Items from or pertaining to Metropolis, Fritz Lang's 1927 silent science-fiction tour de force, have a hi... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
These items were still reported missing as of June 17, 2019. On Thursday, June 7, 2012, staff at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) at Saint John's University discovered that a 16th century p... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Stolen: 2 Aquatints from J. Atkinson’s “An Account of the State of Agriculture and Grazing…”
By Susan BenneThis item was still reported missing as of June 11, 2019. The following item has been reported stolen: Title : 2 Aquatints from J. Atkinson's "An Account of the State of Agriculture and Grazing in New... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]