Vic of Tavistock Books recently acquired a John Steinbeck manuscript. Read more here. [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from August 2010
These items were still missing as of May 29, 2019. 1. LAVEDAN, Don Antonio. Tratado de los Usos, Abusos, Propiedades y Virtudes del Tabaco, Cafe, Te y Chocolate: Extractado de los Mejores autores Que ... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
This item was still missing as of May 29, 2019. FEUILLET, Octave. Le Sphinx. Drame en Quatre Actes. Paris: Michel Levy Freres. Illustrated. Octavo, full green morocco with blue and red morocco inlays,... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
ABBOTT, Jack. A Treatise on Jack Pot Poker. New Orleans, 1881. 12mo. Original black pebbled cloth, black glazed paper side-label, printed in gold. One tiny nick in the upper joint, else a very fine co... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
A box of Michener books was stolen this past weekend. Volumes included: MICHENER, James. ALASKA. Random, First Edition. Hardcover. Signed. Fine FIRST EDITION SIGNED LIMITED. Number 716 of 1000. Fine... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
This item was still reported missing as of May 29, 2019. Othello, The Moor of Venice. A Tragedy, Revised by J. P. Kemble. As Performed at the Theatres Covent Garden, New York and Boston. First America... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]
Entries from July 2010
Entries from November 2009
These items were still reported missing as of May 24, 2019. 1. BLACKFORD, Charles M., Jr. Annals of the Lynchburg Home Guard. Lynchburg, VA: John W. Rohr, Elecric Power Printer and Binder, 1891. 1st e... [more {visitor:mbr_blog_screenname}]