Membership Application
The ABAA encourages applicants who are antiquarian or rare booksellers of good character, reputation, and credit rating who have been in business for four (4) continuous years and whose principal place of business is in the United States.
For more information on each application, please select the appropriate link on the right side of the page or scroll down. To begin your application, click on "Apply" next to the application for which you are applying. Contact hq@abaa.org with any questions.
Check out the FAQs page for more information including deadlines for membership applications.
Associate Membership - Apply
An individual of good character and reputation, who has worked for or with a Full Member for two (2) continuous years is eligible to apply for Associate Membership. Applicants for Associate Membership must be sponsored by the Full Member who employs them, and the application must be accompanied by one other letter of recommendation from any other ABAA member in good standing. Click here to start your application.
Emeritus Membership - Apply
The Emeritus Membership status was created several years ago to honor those members who have participated in and served the Association for ten (10) years or more. It was amended in 2005. The Associationʼs By-laws now state, Article V: Membership, Section C., 4: Qualifications for Emeritus Membership: Any member of the Association who has “retired from active bookselling,” and who has been a full member for not less than ten (10) consecutive years preceding the date of his application for emeritus membership, may apply for emeritus membership.
A member has “retired from active bookselling” if that member no longer exhibits at book fairs, has ceased to display his books for sale on line, and has ceased otherwise to engage in regular efforts to sell his books or to acquire books for resale.
Emeritus members do not pay annual dues. Emeritus members do not vote on matters of the Association. Emeritus members are listed in the “Members Emeriti” section located after the Full Membership listings in the back of the annual ABAA Membership Directory. Click here to start your application.
Full Membership - Apply
The ABAA encourages applicants who are antiquarian or rare booksellers of good character, reputation, and credit rating who have been in business for four (4) continuous years and whose principal place of business is in the United States.
An applicant must have sponsorship of three current members of ABAA who will write letters in support of the applicant, and three persons to serve as references who may be members of the ABAA or ILAB or other professions affiliated with the rare book trade (such as a special collections librarian). A biographical letter, a credit report, samples of catalogs or stock listings with full bibliographic descriptions are also necessary. Applicants must also submit an evaluation essay detailing how one would go about assessing the condition and value of approximately 300 items in the applicant's area of specialty. The essay should include resources, including bibliography or other, one would consult to determine value and points.
Sponsors must have been ABAA members in good standing for three (3) years. One must visit the premises personally within 60 days prior to the application (Primary Sponsor). (During the pandemic, these visits may be virtual.)
The application must be received at least 60 days prior to a Board of Governors meeting (usually held in February, April, July, and November). The applicant's name is circulated to the membership for comment, and there is usually an interview by one current local member. The list of applicants is also published on the Members only section of the ABAA web site and email listserv for public comment at the discretion of the membership committee. A 2/3 vote of the Board of Governors is required for ABAA membership. Click here to start your application.
Joint Membership - Apply
Joint applicants (i.e. business partners, spouses, domestic partners, etc.) must have sponsorship of four current members of ABAA who will write letters in support of the applicant (one primary sponsor for both, an additional sponsor for both, and one sponsor for each individual), and three persons, in total, to serve as references who may be members of the ABAA or ILAB or other professions affiliated with the rare book trade (such as a special collections librarian). A biographical letter for each applicant, a credit report, samples of catalogs or stock listings with full bibliographic descriptions are also necessary.
Sponsors must have been ABAA members in good standing for three (3) years. One must visit the premises personally within 60 days prior to the application (Primary Sponsor).
The application must be received at least 60 days prior to a Board of Governors meeting (usually held in February, April, July, and November). The applicant's name is circulated to the membership for comment, and there is usually an interview by one current local member. The list of applicants is also published on the Members only section of the ABAA web site and email listserv for public comment at the discretion of the membership committee. A 2/3 vote of the Board of Governors is required for ABAA membership. Click here to start your application.
Change of Entity - Apply
This application is intended for current full members who are adding a new business entity or changing the name of their existing entity. Click here to start your application.
Glaser Scholarship for CABS-Minnesota - Apply
The ABAA Elisabeth Woodburn Fund will again offer the Ed Glaser Scholarship for 2023. The scholarship will cover tuition for CABS-Minnesota in 2023. (Note that the scholarship winner will be responsible for paying their $600 room and board fee; see the terms of fees for room and board on the CABS-Minnesota registration page here.)
Applicants should submit essays stating their reasons for wishing to attend. Preference will be given those who demonstrate need. Applications must be received no later than noon (ET) Monday, May 1, 2023. Letters of support from ABAA members are welcome, but not necessary. Winners will be notified by May 15. Click here to apply.
Sponsor Letters
Current ABAA Members: Sponsorship guidelines and the sponsorship letter submission form can be found in the Member Tools portal. A notification and instructions are sent via email to members listed as sponsors for membership applications. If you have any questions, please contact hq@abaa.org.